Friday, December 09, 2005

drowning myself in music

To think everything has ended and I won't have the reason to feel depress. Going away from home for a while is good. Well away from my mom and my irritating elder brother. I cannot click will with my mom because she is really unreasonable and power has clouded her wisdom to talk sensibly.

No one can understand how I feel. That amount of chronic stress living in my endocrine system had been fed with epinephrine and norepinephrine till it's all dried up. And finally, I am able to breathe the air of relaxation. My mom just have to stress me up with things that aren't worth stressing about.

All I want now is to stay far far from the word, "stress". A distance that I am not able to reach at all. I need to stock up my epinephrine for the next semester. I bet it will be another yr of depression and suffering.

I have to stop talking so much about negative stuff. Because I am on a holiday. The mood should be carefree. What is in my mind should be a word of " let's be calm and relax" Ommm....

Yes... My name was deleted from the list of couples. I am free from the claws of denial.