Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's being quite a while

I know I have being MIA for quite a while. Well, it's best you don't ask because the more you know, the more it gets complicated.

If you wanna know what I am doing with my life, I shall cut short all these in a few sentences. Unlike working people, they all have a nicely designed name card stating their particulars blah blah. Well, my job doesn't. Hahahhaa... Well, it's good because I don't like people giving away my phone no. and I end up picking up prank calls and other sick people asking me survey questions.

Ok, I will get to the point - I am a qualified registered nurse, working in a geriatric ward. My Nurse clinician asked me the other day whether I loved the elderly. I bet no one could have thought of my answer. I told her, " I love my patients more than my own grandparents" I am not boasting, am not stating false remarks. To me, my paternal relatives are as distant as any stranger on the road. My nurse clinician was shocked to hear me say such a thing because she thought that I was like any other youngster who practiced ageism ( discrimination against the older age group). In fact, I practiced lots of ageism but it's more towards the middle-age group.

Middle-age group are people who Singaporeans label them as aunties and uncles. We hate to dress like them, talk like them and behave like them because we will be laughed at like some over matured freak. This is how the society shaped us, young adults.

So it's my passion caring for the elderly.