Friday, January 05, 2007

I pity those students who have exams during Chinese new year week. There's no fun, and all they worry is getting out of the messy pile of books they bury themselves into. My CNY worry is always unable to collect ang paos and get hallucinated by the feeling of being fat after the whole day. Well, I am glad I still have the same timetable I had when I was year 1.

After 3 days of school, I could feel the pressure once again. The inablilty to cope with the workload and tons of deadlines to fulfill. I wonder how a person like me who procrastinate so much survive till now. It's just my luck; the procrastinator's luck!
I used to think that if one day a genie lamp appears right under my nose, I would try to rub it and see whether if such a thing existed.

"I am the genie of the lamp, I can offer you 3 wishes. What do you want me to fulfill?" The genie drones.

Ahhh... Don't tell me what to wish for!! I have exactly what's installed. "Genie, I want 20 more wishes, are you willing to grant me?" BLeah, I bet the genie will give me a screwed up face and go back to his lamp.

Nah, bad idea. Maybe I would just try and tell him I just want to stop procrastinating and look more confident on the outside. (Does that make 2? Well I phased it in one sentence, so it's one! Whahahaha)

The power of looking confident, scares the daylight out of my superiors. Instead of me agreeing to them, they agree to whatever I propose. Ain't that wonderful? Yeah, so much for day dreaming. Confidence can equip me with the ability to change the behaviour people have that I hate. That sound kinda like assertiveness. Oh well....

2nd wish..... I wished that there will be some way I can paint a smile when I can't force it. Not really very good with people relations but at least I look as if I have a positive attitude. First impressions always counts.

3rd? blah, can't I keep it for a rainy day? =]

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