Monday, January 15, 2007


Looks like life ain't the same. The older I get the more hectic life gets. I know I am getting old but things never seem to settle down. Yeah, just roughly estimated that my hair seem to be 5% white. Too much things to think about, so much turbulent events happening.

I once said all these are like challenges that keep coming non-stop. It's just a way to prove how strong I deal with all my problems. I don't know what to say but my ever-first depressing death I face in my life was the start of the rollar coaster ride. Maybe it's just the empty space I am trying so hard to fill it up, suppress the pain. Apparently, I still hadn't got it over with. Although now I feel quite settled with my feelings, unconsciously I do things to relive the happy past. There's no way of lying about my emptiness, my behaviours just show it.

No one can see the insensitive child within me, most of the time it just wants attention. People who look at me will think that I live like any other typical Singaporean girl, I could say either yes or no. Yes because I born into a normal family, typical Singaporean family, receive an education. No, because I learn how to deal with my emotions the hard way. At least that made me a strong person in general.

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