Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I finally come out from my shell

I have been hiding all along with my other private blog. Things had really changed quite a bit after almost 2 months. To come out of hiding isn't easy for me, I have to refrain from blogging things that are offending to people and prevent myself from getting into trouble.

If you want me to summarise everything from top to bottom the whole of 2 months is really no problem to me, however, you must first prepare yourself with a cup of tea/ coffee / coke and some snacks.

I stopped at the time before I went for my second ISP (intra-semestral placement). I was posted to ward 9D in Tan tock Seng hosp. That was my ever last placement and the best placement ever except for the clinical facilitator. I have to say that she was really knowledgable but she is also pretty bias to my friend and sometimes I cannot take it. I ranted almost half an entry in my private blog. Nevertheless, the staff was extremely good to me, I love them so much that I can hug and kiss them if I won't an asian.

There were ITE student there to help me out in those usual Parameters, allowing me to do more senior work. I learn more in that posting than any other postings so far. I am truely greatful for it.

Things started to get tense in the month of October. In record, I cried for 5 to 10 times. Do you know how painful I felt. With so many stressors (2 clinical assessments, presentations, tests ) all clumped together in one month, It was really hard not to get sick. Yeah, I was blessed to pass the clinical assessments twice; BCLS and parenteral medications. That was when I feel very proud of myself.

The words I used in my blog were mostly "suffering", "hurt" and "pain". I wish everything would end right away. Oh yeah, I signed up for the clarinet course and 3 weeks after that I quit because I feel that I am not fated to play that instrument. The teacher was breathing down my neck and throwing tantrums at me. I can't take negative comments pretty well too.

The dream of becoming a member of a big band is really out of reach. The main reason I wanted to become a member is because I want to find someone whom I can share my entire life with. I felt wracked. While playing maple story, there was this very nice person who offered to help me level up. I was astound by her generosity and a thought came to my mind, "Why work so hard when someone like that can help me out." I need people's help to get to things I need, I can't do anything all by myself because this is how life works.

I bought the teenage magazine and I saw a cool game (Hyper Relay) .

I installed it and joined in the fun. I did not realise It had a great effect on my life. Everyone in there was so encouraging. That was where I learn to use the word, "jia you" correctly. I looked at the brighter sight of life. That is when my whole perception of life entirely changed. I learnt how to talk sensibly and make people laugh and had fun.

This game led me to know about this guy LS, he was the turning point in this entire semester. When I am really down to my last straw he cheered me up and stopped me from going into the irreversible stage. He pulled me from within the pool of sorrows. When I feel that my life is full of hopelessness and depression, he show me the other right way to life.

After that moonfairy (my HR niece), introduced me someone special. We married on 22 october 9.30pm in HR. I called him DarDar because it reminded me of dolphin bay's 达达海豚。I missed him every moment of my life.

Just last week was the exams, I stayed in macdonalds most of the time. Take a look at my study table.

Very messy right? I am glad it's over man!!! I shall stop here for now. :(

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