Monday, December 11, 2006

Back to school tomorrow!

It's long ever since I went back to poly, missed the food, missed the smell of the air-con in the library and lastly, missed the strict rules they implement on us. Never got the chance to step into our library's very own cafe. Most of the time I would be standing outside peeking in to see if there are seats available for me and at the same time take in a whiff of caffeine to wake up my senses.

Aah oh yes, and our subsidised macdonald's. Hee, I know school life is so unhealthy. It's funny to think that I don't get fat when I am in school instead I get plump during attachment. Yeah, I don't know how am I going to maintain my shape when I go out into the workforce. Just imagine the stress and my poor coping habits. GOSH!! I already have problems squeesing into tiny corners.

Planned to go back tomorrow to borrow some books on med-surg nursing, yeah, lost touch on all my year 2 knowledge. I hate it when I can't answer my lecturer's questions intelligently because I use all the layman terms. Have to impress them abit with my latin/ greek. Wahhaha.

Side track, have being thinking about people who pair up nurses with doctors as couples. In actual fact, most nurses think doctors are bunch of stuck up people in general. Mainly because they think too highly of themselves and can't be bothered to condescend to us, nurses. The worse part is their freaking handwriting and meaningless jargons/ abbrieviations. Simple medications like panadol don't even look like panadol but phnadl. Yeah, I know I complain too much. But it's rediculous. Doctors for now in my hospital are much better than the previous one.

Lecturer labelled me lousy when I can't read their handwriting. Oh man....

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