Friday, December 15, 2006

Reasons why I can't drive for nuts.

  1. Bad sense of direction
    I can walk in circles and circles without realising I am walking in circles. If you ask me how do I go back from here, I will give you that pathetic blank look.
  2. Once I start driving, my side mirrors will be gone.
    There is a tendency I will hit the side lamps or railings at the roadside, if u ever give me a chance to drive. With my perception of depth and distance, in no time the car would be back at the repair shop.
  3. Road names? Expressways?
    I don't know how they link with each other. AYE, PIE, whatever the E is... I do hope it leads me to somewhere safe.
  4. I am too young to die, in other words, KIA SEE!
    I have seen too many Road traffic accident trauma cases in the hospital and how they ended up. It is just too painful to see myself in the same situation. I am afraid of dying right now, got lots of unfinished business.
  5. I am bad tempered on the road
    Traffic jams drive me crazy, I have thoughts of banging all the cars right in front of me if I was the driver. I could even try to wind down the windows and shout," move it!" Don't mention to me about pedestrians, I hate J walkers (although I am one of them).

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