Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I have always wanted to have a day whereby I do all the things I can't do when I am having school and attachment. I was puppeted by school for 6 months! Whatever the school wants us to do, we have to follow. Doris Chan says we have to submit legal documents if we need to change shift or change posting, no matter what we have to listen to her. If we are sick or unfit for work, we pretend to be healthy. YES, we pretend! That's because if we that any MCs, we have to do our replaced postings on saturdays.

What life do we have? So, finally my dream came true. I did alot of things today!

  1. Cut my hair. Had waited for months to trim that long hair of mine simply because during attachment, it's difficult to bun up my hair if it has many layers. And when I do my dressings, my hair just flies here and there
    The hair dresser really wasn't very service oriented. She kept pulling that black face on me and I felt pretty irritated because I have that impression that I owe her a living. Well, even if I haven't ate lunch for the whole day, I could at least put up a weak smile. People nowadays are so negative.
  2. Plucked my eyebrows. I finally got my disgusting eyebrows shaped for good. Was served by a skillful beautician, she pluck eyebrows like firing a machine gun. It's that fast! Admires her skills.
  3. Bought my friend her christmas present.
  4. Watched Open Season. My rating: 4/5. There were times I laughed hysterically till people around me were staring at me.
  5. Pireced my nose. Found my friends with nose studs cool because it's the mark of feminism. lolx... Knew that my brothers really couldn't accept it but soon they will becuase it's just one more hole in my nose thats all. 我的哥哥是乖乖牌。It's up to you to treat like a norm or a taboo.

Hmmm, music essentials is having a sale!!!! Going back to that shop again soon.

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