Sunday, July 03, 2005

Lotz and lotz of photos for you to see!!

ok, I just signed up for a new M1 line under my name. I've got a handphone which I felt was really modern. It has everything I ever wanted on a phone; bluetooth, camera, great games colour, videocam. **This entry has pictures that help me do the talking***

An S65 from Siemens. I love it.

This is the walkway just beside my house. Looks pretty like an abyss. I used to dream of the staircase to the ground floor was like endless, I couldn't reach. My cam protrays Singapore as a clean city with smooth and shiny floors. haha.

Two days ago, I went to this japanese resturant at cineleisure. This is the menu. I made it sound like some high class eatery but if you know what I am talking about, it can only compared to a coffeeshop. I ate the Soba which can also be known as 冷面(cold noodles). Hey, it's cheap and delicious.

This is a screenshot from a drama series I bought recently, 千金百分百, 100% senorita. This is the part where Peter Pan, 潘彼德 experience a downfall in his life. The person he wanted to kill didn't die and she is back to take revenge. The other guy is his colleague, someone who supports everything he does but feels that the chairman, 桩飞扬 is such an empty shell.

A very sad scene in the drama. Peter pan refuses sha sha's love. She was very good at showing her hatred and everything. Ok, I want to say this to every script writer who writes dramas; Why must you always end a person's life with a terminal disease? Out of 5 dramas I watched, 4 of them had their main characters dying from a terminal disease. Which I think, this type of plot is becoming a cliche to me.

Ok, Here is my IDOL!!!

Yeah!! Wallace huo, 霍建华, he's got those really attractive eyes and those lip no other guys have. Yup, extreme charming look. His music rocks too.

*stoping here for now. Going to my aunt's house.*

Ok, I am back. My aunt scolded me for nothing. She said that I made the administator let other people know about her monthly pay by faxing to the wrong places. I argued back by saying the truth; My aunt gave me the wrong number to fax. How can she blame me??? Then she turn the subject away by saying that the administrator was not doing her job well. What the hack???

When someone grows older, they start to lose their understanding (智慧). She never understand that she is in the wrong. This is crazy! She even complain to my mom and made me sound like the murderer. Argh...

Back to showing you pictures.

This is Joe Chan acting as 梁小凤. I have always liked that smile of hers. She is really good at acting. I love the way she express every emotion.

In this show,

I feel that good guys will eventually become bad guys and the bad guy learns to be good which I think is a very original plot. At some point, I pity the bad guy, peter pan. She tried to murder fei yang because he needed revenge. At first, I pitied fei yang because she 一无所有。However, she wants to 一脚踢开 my idol so that he won't feel sad a about her death.

Haha, I know I am being too revealing. I don't care! This is my blog, I can do anything to it. Tomorow would be the start of my school semester Boredom. It is going to be a very bumpy ride.

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