Monday, February 21, 2005


I did? Who did it for me? The drug teaching part was a great embarassment. I am so unwilling to pass it because i simply had so many mistakes!!! I am not competent enough:
  1. Flustered
  2. shaking
  3. shivering
  4. uncertainty

And i put the case notes on the patient!! I feel so use useless, especially the syrup part, i spill it all over. I could had cried that time. Luck still held on to me. When i passed, i can't accept the fact because i did too many mistakes.

You would be thinking that I am mad because anyone who pass would be walking away in great happiness. I really need a psychiatrist, i am having stupid emotions that is not suppose to have . Can someone tell me i failed? I bet i will feel much better.

Worse of all, I thought i had to be assess again, no ending. Assessments after assessments, it won't stop. Nobody in the right mind would have some sort of thoughts about wanting to fail.

Hey, have you notice something? my luck is clinging tightly onto me. This means that the sponsorship is coming and life won't be the same already... Yeah, yeah, man yun give it a rest, you suck at anything: music, language, games, nursing skills, cooking. The only thing that man yun is good at is of course non-stop scratching. How pathetic!!!!

One of the headmaster of hogwarts( Phineas Nigellus) made this sentence is 100% true:

You see? Never understand your students. They hate it. They rather be tragically
misunderstood, wallow in self pity, stew on their own....

I prefer to wallow in self pity because nobody knows about my feelings. blogging more tonite...

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