Thursday, February 24, 2005

My effort all wasted.

I feel cheated, used and gullible. I shouldn't have felt pity on anyone simply because someone take her joy and happiness for granted. This I really feel extremely stupid for the past 10 years of my life. Such lessons had told me off over and over again not to help other people, be more strong willed and I persist. Why am I such an ass? Once again, I must kick myself a few times to remind myself.

Little does that person knows, I woke up early all for that particular person, however, she see it as a negative side of life. Even a crappy man knows that I am doing this out of concern. I want to retire from life that are infested with self-centred people. If only there would be a spray that would disinfect such failures of society. *sobs pitifully*

I shouldn't be so soft hearted, i must let these people know what is it like to be taken for granted. I can't accept the fact that I am used for over 10 years. Have I told you about the diarrhoea I had?

Oh yes! It gave me so much trauma. I will never and I say never eat food cooked from anyone else's house again. It didn't went right after experiencing a bad diarrhoea on the bus back home:

I was scanning my EZ-link card when the card reader alarmed loudly at my face, I quickly whispered, " fuck this card! threre's no money in it" I searched my OP bag quickily for small change and there simply nothing left to save me. So I have to thicken my skin and stride towards the back of the bus, acting blur I didn't know a thing.

There was a sudden acute pain on my abdominal, I cried loudly in my brain, " shucks that unhygienic food i ate today" All i did was to curse the person who cooked it. I kept having cold sweat. Once i reached the gates of heaven, the toilet. I found out instantly... No toilet paper!!!!

Instantly the word " gauze" brought up. I dug for the pieces of gauze that was unused during my dressing. Dun you say the gauze can clog tiolet cuz i have totally no choice. This is what happens when the cleaners dun provide the paper for me, serve them right.

See. After going through all these ordeals, i hope that person feel gratituted to have me. but... NO!!!


I can't believe i had a crush on someone that i hated today, but to think back, i like him because he was approachable. Sadly i am blinded by jealousy. I have to let go of my horrible feelings before judging a person.

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