Wednesday, February 09, 2005

What a great Chinese New Year

I finally get to enjoy a festival for chinese people after 1 year. Getting the spirit to recover isn't as easy as ABC. It must be practiced every or else you will forget the procedures. Many things had changed after 1 year. gosh...
  1. Nobody wants to stay overnight. The housemistress forbids arcade games so it detered me from staying over.
  2. Food tastes lousy at my maternal family. However, my paternal side is getting better at food.
  3. Now ang pao come in numerous $2 notes, sigh...
  4. My granduncle's house used to have dogs but now, they died. Life's no fun.
  5. Watching horror movies seems more like a trend then playing sparklers

Chinese New Year seem like a progress day of the year. You depend on this day to determine how much you have moved on in life. It seems yesterday i was at my granduncle's house been chased around by his dogs. I ran up and down the house. I am actually the pioneer of my siblings to visit his house.

Then, i was there recieving TCM treatment from him. HAizz.. How time passed. The only conversation i remembered was him advising me to be a veterian. Cool job! but low market demand.

After looking at my tot cousin handing over her red packet to her dad makes me remember the happy times with my dad when I was still young and I knew nothing about money. Whenever i collected ang paos, i would hand it over to him and he would shoved it into his breast pocket at the same time me sitting on his lap.

Whenever i think about his lap, i think about the game we played together; aeroplane. Sounds childish isn't it? What can I do? I forced myself to forget about my horrible childhood but then again, happy times are so unforgetable.

I starting to feel using "sour grapes" to fill up the loss i experienced, really works. If my dad were to be still alive i think, life would be more distant and less of family contacts. Sad... It would be the same as everyone in this universe, dad and daugther together as a name not a bond.

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