Friday, February 18, 2005

Oh i am so nervous...

This thing comes around every semester, just like a Sale in orchard. In contrast, it's very stressful and nerve breaking. Nor it's an exam or a competition. It's under individualise pressure, do or fail. What is it?

You well have guessed it... My good old practical test on MONDAY! Very suprising isn't it? I had 5 days to prepare this fearful battle, no way am i gona chicken out! I will survive! Yes and i must.

I am glad that i wasn't in the morning just right after lunch to make the lecturer less PMSed. Monday 3pm- 4pm is the day of devastation or a the day of estasy. Two words will determine them; Pass / fail.

Something to cheer me up: a New personal lap top just for me! I love my mom, she's the greatest! So fullfiling to my needs. I can't find another parent like her out there, so determined and ambitious. I can't believe she could join a society while working that's cool! If only i could pull up all my depressed thoughts during work and concentrate on having fun.

I want to get a CCA next semester. Or my life would be so boring.

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