Monday, December 13, 2004

Arghh, got a bad scratch!

I am fated to run a production line for 2 whole weeks starting from last monday and it really tire me out!!! I would love to go back to logo pasting after these weeks. I hate the people in this shift. They kept putting you anywhere they want like their newspaper. One day, they throw you here the other day you are at another line.

Got a bad scratch (comparing with other small tiny ones) just this afternoon from a very sharp box. Not only cuts, my little finger became a red coloured sausage. It became so swollen that it felt like a fractured finger.

I saw a long lost friend today by chance. That was the person that i longed to give him a treat. Ya, it's a he. He just gave me a wave and walked away. A very stranger-like action. After reading a handbook for nurses i thought about becoming assertive to help myself get a smooth- sailing career.

Being assertive is hard! You have to be strong mentally in order to help stand for your rights.
  1. firstly, you have to bear with people's feelings. This is solely because you are afraid of hurting your best friend's (for example) feelings.
  2. Then, you have to bear with gossips about you. While standing up for your rights, you are also creating an out-group for yourself
  3. let me ask you a question. What happens when you are too assertive? You get aggressive. You are getting over board.
I am not metally strong therefore i can't be assertive right away. Damn, my brother kept using the other computer which deprive me off the scanner and my photoshop cs. I think i am having withdrawal symptoms.

I totally addicted to photoshop. shitz.

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