Friday, December 03, 2004

I am back from a rigorous battle

I staggered out of the jaws of death, holding on to anything i see. It's burning!

This was what I experience for the past 48 hours. It all started out with this wierd dream I had on tuesday night. There was this silent killer who equipped himself with a knife and hunt down people to kill. Rumours say that he was last found at the MRT trains.

I was standing there at the entrance of the train when i saw this couple embrace each other openly. A few minutes later, the guy strangled the gal with his elbow and slash her neck with his knife. Blood was splurting out of the wound and the look on the gal's face was horrifying. I still remember her words," Run!"

I dashed out of the door once the next station came. I ran so fast that I lost the silent killer. When i got back to the platform, i found my great auntie crying for her son. I learned that his son was also dead.

Erm, my dream aren't really very original though. It was adapted from metal gear solid 3. My brother kept playing it until i got influenced.

This stupid scene gave me that nightmare.

The next morning i was having a slight fever and my hand felt like burning. I still have the will the go to work that wednesday afternoon. That day, i felt the air conditioning was very cold although i knew i was just getting sick. My colleague even help me keep warm with her jacket.

Yesterday, i couldn't get out of bed, my head was spinning and was on fire. I lied on bed from morning till 5pm. No breakfast and lunch. At the moment i thought i had SARS or malaria. But none of the symptoms point to SARS (dry cough), malaria(red spots). So i thought i was safe. For the hours on bed i did frequent sponging with the fan on to cool myself down. I felt like nursing myself was fun.

That was all that had happened the last 3 days whilst i was away. I regret for letting all of you read the same thing for the last 3 days. gtg tug in now.

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