Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Being pure lazy lately.

Do you think there is such a thing as fate? I reckon the definition of fate is where you find one event occuring together for no reason . Answer yes all these questions and my definition is right.
  1. Is fate when a stranger kept meeting up with you without a date?
  2. Is fate having a very good pattern of events?
  3. Is fate having 2 persons that hate eachother start to love themselves?
  4. Is fate thinking that god is playing tricks together?

Ya the last one is a bit stupid. Sometime when i thought something was fate but in the end it wasn't, it was coincidental. Just like the last time, this guy and I kept getting together by coincidence. First, i was same ward with him for 2 weeks. Then we were the only ones that failed our practical test that day. In the end, i found out that it was all a coincidence, not fate.

I think we meet certain people in our lives is fate. I get myself into knowing people with the same interest as me.

Me, a BGR virgin. Never ask me about relationships, i have no experience at them. Go on... Ask me why i didn't have a boyfriend for the past 17 years. The reason is simple, i have very little contact with guys. Probably fate says i can't get into a relationship until 20 or something. I've always wished to meet someone who will be my boyfriend.

Another reason is i am not charismatic enough to grap hold of guys attention. The type of boy who like me are very rare. either 1 or 2 out of 10000. The chance is so tiny.

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