Thursday, December 23, 2004

I can tolerate this throat!!!

My throat got swollen for no particular reason, probably because of the "no work" stress i am having now. This is rediculous! I such a hard core workaholic. That i shall admit. I can't spend a cent without seeing myself not working for 8 days.

yesterday was my pay day and i wasn't feeling happy but worse. A feeling that a hokkien word can describe; pek chek!

Anybody who's got his pay would be feeling rather estatic, over the moon. But not me... I am crying for my job back and all these illness(which include my stubborn rashes too) would be gone as soon as possible.

Ah yes. Before i go on, add isomia to the list of illnesses.

Why do my company treat me like toys? when they want you, they beg for u to come back. When they don't want you, you leave you in a dark and tell you nothing about what is happening to the production area.

I feel like a pathetic beggar kneeling and clutching the shirt of the CEO saying, "Please give me back my job! I beg you."

While lying on the bed, i can't help but keep comparing myself with someone more fortunate then me. The list of the advantage of being me, can't overcome her. I begin to feel small and useless. I must increase the no. of advantages of being me.

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