Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Analyse and Finalise

I started out as a very deprived child. Away from the sun, good food and exploration. If someone were to study my childhood ( or even just the fun of it), he would just drop dead immediately. It's very complex to anyone to understand, the cause and effect of the events have so many factors. The links are just like my family relatives, complex and uncomprehendable.

I am just exaggarating myself to make you read my entry. haha... Although I had forgo all my painful memories, they popped out from my head out of the sudden. From the beginning of polytechnic life, I felt as if I had started a new life. The deprived childhood life ends here.

I had 12 years of little socialising. It's not that i hate people (in fact, i love company), it's that they avoid me. I don't want to start the concept of self-fulfilling stereotype. Confused? read this entry

I always find this concept so true. Human's mental processes are like senses-orientated. They use their senses more than finding out the truth. I can't say this is wrong, that's because I am also practising it. Reason: I am too lazy to ask.

They worse part of my childhood socialisation happen only during Secondary School. The students are like the more prone to listening stories about me from other people rather than the horse's mouth (my mouth to be exact). They really take in this lie about me. Well, this i shall conclude that the student of my batch are truely low in practical IQ.

What is it like to feel like a black in a white world? Horrible. The rejection from others are too much for you to endure. One word, " sad ".

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