Sunday, January 16, 2005

I have no religion but I preach Harry Potter to my cousins

Yeah, I don't just made myself a fan of Harry Potter Books, I spread the love of Rowling J.K's books to the people around me.

This passion for her books started way back in 2001 where my friends (even a mad classmate of mine ) were so into the new Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone the movie. I became very skeptical about the no. 1 seller for it's books. I questioned myself several times, " why is everybody into this new movie that is solely on kids?"

At that moment, my teacher who is a Christian is against people who reads about witchcraft storybooks. He's mad, I've gotta tell you. Books like Charmed, Harry potter and sabrina the teenage witch aren't allowed in his class.

" I don't want any of you to read these books, the spells used in the books are probably real and I am afraid you might practice it." The mad ass announced. Anybody in the right mind would think this is ridiculous, an act of stupidity. If something like this would be real, I think the question about supernatural forces (which scientist are finding ways to reason it) is answered and the writers are given a lump sum of fortune for their findings.

I hate this teacher who is always finding ways in which I will convert to Christian. All i did was to be firm and say no.

Back to my love for harry potter. As i was saying this teacher kept saying that this book could be real. So i went to watch that movie with my friend. After that, i thought that movie encourage make me want to read more about harry potter and want his story to go on.

From then, i've got my first book at MPH. I then found out that some parts of the book wasn't shown in the movie. All her books were gribbing, it doesn't want you to stop reading. I never had a favourite novel once but now i can name at least 5, *giggle*

Ya, i said all these because i finished reading the fifth book of harry potter and the order of the phoenix the second time. I cried the second time too. Harry's loss was almost the same as my loss i had 2 years ago. *sobs* and life had to be so cruel.

Although my support system isn't as worse as harry's, i feel that we share the same emotion. Gosh, I made a fictitous character alive. My addiction has worsen. Hey wait a sec, I once told myself i had shallow interest in anything i possess. But now i can correct it somehow.

I want to have Rowling's new book!! I want to know what is gonna happen next.That urge had being running in my blood for a year already. She has got to publish her book soon.

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