Monday, January 10, 2005

I need $$$

I have being putting all my hopes on the sponsorship i signed up on friday. I think about it 24 hours a day. Even during the time i sleep( dream about the interview), bathe (use the allowance to colour my hair), pass motion (what type of food i ate the last time ). This felt like i had a crush, just that it's not human. I suspect i had fell in love with minute fortunes.

Ya.. having the sponsorship feels like a tide of fortune that i must surf for. It is meant for me to grab hold of this one-time happiness. This happiness a BGR relationship can't achieve, it's got to do with myself and no one shares it ( of course i will share my fortune with my friends, family and relatives who are discribed in 2 words " Social Support"). But emotionally, money can't buy it's positive side, it is the sense of accomplishment that I had fulfilled this final task (which I failed the last round).

So this sponsorship will make me twice as happy (estatic, if you want me to be exact) if get it. I can't imagine myself reading the rejection letter again thrice. The impact would be devastating ( a word deeper than hard-broken). I can't accept rejections well, i moan over it for weeks and weeks.

I must ensure this time the luck's on my side. I will be happy if god plays his part in helping me out by making the weather cool all the time, so that i can go to the interview without spurts of rashes on my sensitive neck.

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