Monday, January 03, 2005

Day 1, i am starting to feel stress

It's only day one and I am feeling very stressed about my postings and assignments. There's only 2 lessons today and i could feel the impact.

My counter has suddenly jumped from 133 to 166 wow, i know i have many returning visitors, heehee. Gee, can any of you leave a comment on how you find my blog using the following criteria

  1. Appearance. Don't tell me the layout sucks. For your infomation, i know it. I am pure lazy.
  2. Content:
  • funny, i know i crack lame jokes, but if it at least tickles
    your funnybone just a little that's good enough for me.
  • Stupid, i write dim-witted entries that are simply lack of research.


I woke up at a start this morning, I was having this weird dream where i willingly urging to go back to secondary school (Which i do not wish to in a million years!). Then, i forgotten i needed white shoes to get to shoe, i was still wearing my price possession, the adidas superstar with 3 luminous pink stripes, (jealous? where i had this feeling for almost a year. I forgot to mention this in the previous entries that i bought this expensive shoe to upgrade my social status.) and i had to get something purely white.

There wasn't much emphasis on the shoes later on and I was back in my band. It was having a concert at a very grassy place. I was wearing my band t-shirt and holding my cornet like it was yesterday. The only person i saw was my bandmate. There he went,

"Oi, ni hui lai la! (You're back!)" He exclaimed in his high pitch accent as usual.

"Ka ma ni hai shi zuo zai yi yang de di fang? (Why are you still sitting at the same place?)" I asked. I was actually in the thought that i had came back after 2 years of disappearance.

"wo mei ci zai zhe bian de ma... (This place was always my place..)" He retorted like any other day in band.

Everything ended when my mom shouted, "it's late!"

Why are my dreams getting weirder and weirder by the day? Probably having too much Harry Potter reading during the holidays.


--=*The rest of this entry is about Harry Potter and the order of the pheonix. If you never read HPatOftP before, stop reading the rest and write the review about my blog now. You can get me by email or the commentor after this entry. Thanks.*=--

Now at the chapter of occulmency, Snape's teaching him that. Snape is such a bad teacher. Showing his hatred towards harry all because james potter was a bully. Gees, J.K. Rowling loves to torture harry in the fifth book. I could understand why harry is always in the bad mood.

  1. First of all he was locked away from the magical world and kept in the dark from information.
  2. secondly, he and his cousin got attacked from the dementors.
  3. Thirdly, he broke the statue of secrecy all because he wanted to defend himself from the dementors,
  4. Then, at the hearing. The court was not totally convince by the evidence.
  5. When someone from the minstry become the inqusitor of Hogwarts, Umbridge the mad ass, tortured harry with numerous detentions without a good reason
  6. during the detention, he was force to 'cut' his skin with a santanic quill. That could make Harry really mad about her.
  7. Umbridge made harry out of the quidditch team.
  8. lastly, harry lost his godfather. Harry was always honest when he speaks to Sirus. But he died all of a sudden just like cedric.

I feel sad for Rowling's Harry. How could he possibly clear his emotions just like that to stop you-know-who from penertrating his thoughts? Rowling never gave Harry a good life. But the story won't be interesting if these events never happen.

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