Monday, January 24, 2005

I am forced to do a sinful thing.

Let me reassure you I am not religious however I just did something that is against my conscience, I feel totally in emotional pain. You will never believe I speak from the heart when facing people, I can't lie to a someone secondary to me. I only do this because I am pushed to the end of the cliff.

Alright, it happens just this thursday and I was tricked to skipping a lecture just because someone who never comes for lecture tells me. I believed her wholeheartedly without running through my thoughts. I nearly became mad when i heard that the lecture was on.

I knew everyone didn't attend that lecture, however the truth was out and my heart sank deeply. That i knew i am facing the waves of unluckiness again. My friends had their attendance put but not me!!!!!! Eventhough they didn't even scan the attendence. I could collaspe immediately for this was a great impact i could never accept.

Fate had push me to this far in taking advantage of my lecturer's kindness in order to make me happy. Don't you think i did something really sinful? I wished to repay him by good results. That's the only compensation i could think about.
Hooray, my mom pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Half blood prince. I have such a good mom.

Grab it now!!!!!!

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