Friday, January 07, 2005

Weird? I have seen many.

Yup, today is totally weird, out of the ordinary. Started out late in the morning as i was rushing to school to meet with my friend who was equally keen in getting the sponsorship as I am. Ya, I must make my dream come true, and i would never give up on my dreams (obviously this is not out my usual night dreams, this is real).

At the junction of the roads, I found 2 middle age ladies with a girl (1-2 years old) who were waiting for traffic light to turn green. The innocent girl was oblivious to what was happening and the girl walk out into the road 1 foot away from the kerb. The fat lady wanted to pull her back to safety but 5 seconds later, the other lady who was thin and was wearing formal clothes held the girls's hand and jay-walked the moving traffic. The lorry was only a metre away, fortunately it stopped in time followed by a middle finger from the driver.

I was in shock, how would someone cross a road without watching the traffic? My lecturer started popping out in my head saying, "This is where CBL(context base learning) comes in. CBL make students think critically by finding out what happened before this event sets in." Oh great, i am always putting my lecturer's sayings in mind all the time.

So the fat lady waited for the traffic to be safe for crossing and lifted her right hand to signal the cars to from 100 metres afar to slow down. She dashed across to get to them but at the same time they were running at the same speed towards the MRT station. I coundn't understand why the thin lady have to run so fast. She must be suffering from PMS.

Exchanging a farewell to my friend after school, I took a train to sengang to meet my good old colleague from motorola. Towards the journey to dhoby gaut, I found many JC students collecting donations. I was sitting at the corner of the sit and this boy leaned foward above my head. At this moment, i felt really uneasy for an ass (who is of the same age as me) to lean forward using the poles of the train as a support. He finally pucked up the courage to ask me for donations.

I refused asertively. Yeah! I know rejection is a really hard thing to accept it's a way of life isn't it? Maybe he was suffering from PMS(petty man syndrone) too.

This one is the worst from all the others i have seen today. We were playing a musical game in the mini arcade. A freakish guy in his twenties, came over to lecture (notice i didn't use the word teach) us like we were stupid idiots who can't see colours.

" blue; green ;blue; blue;" He spat with his monotonous voice, "dun play this music play that." At the moment, I felt really Du Lan(annoyed).

I wanted to go over to him and retort , "Please for heaven's sake, give us some privacy. With you shouting out like that, people would think we're colour blind, autistic. I suggest you go away and stop being a Kay poh kia (busybody)." Too bad, i didn't had that much courage.

My colleague was the best. She can shoo away this pest with just this two words, "ai yan.(an eye sore)" I coudn't believe it, it worked like a miracle. So? dun you think i had a good day?

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