Saturday, April 30, 2005

This is to make you and me happy

Alright, I know you have been having doubts about my sponsorship because for almost a year, I have been trying really hard to get it. Since friendster doesn't have an account for alexandra hospital, I might as well create an award for myself.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Sigh... Why do I bother?

Actually, I had a wonderfull day, not for these two things

  1. my uniform got stained with haemoserous discharges
  2. The lecturer practises favouritism again.

Number 1 was ok, I can accept it but not the other one. Ok, this lecturer is pathetic, he... is

  • not organised (in fact, he has a very serious case of frickled-minded syndrome)
  • frequently breaking promises
  • impatient
  • Does things according to mood
  • Judge people poorly
  • practises favouritism
  • most of all self-centred

I wonder how can a person like him becomes a male nurse. This goes down to one thing; Male nurses are

  1. egocentric
  2. unorganise
  3. Care less of other people's feelings

Yes! This stereotype proofs alot. He dares to judge my performance? well, I can judge his performance too. It's not up to standards, and I prefer him to balik kampong. For the past 24 hours I have being very moody about my dressing, simply because I hate him alot.

After today's cat nap, I finally got over it. Why bother getting good marks when I've already passed my dressing, got my sponsorship? I cannot moan over something I can't do anything about it. This lecturer just don't want me to pass, and that's fine with me. I get my job in the long run and I do my part as a staff nurse.

Sighzz... In 1 week time, I will be leaving a heavenly place that I wished to stay forever. Well, good things never last, and I have to accomodate my bonding which held together tightly for 2 weeks. *sobs* Life must go on.

God of Luck taught me a lesson, that not all staff nurses and sisters are stuck up , moody and exploiting. In contrast, lovable, funny, friendly and always willing to share their experiences.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I have been cursed. :(

I have being making many mistakes this whole week. That lady must have cursed me real badly, tomorrow I shall bring my lucky charm along. Today, the asessor raised his voice at me and he nearly depleted my confidence. I was really unlucky, my mind was not focused.

Sheesh...My life stinks. Things never go smoothly as I thought it would. 2 days ago, a consultant scolded me for something so small, the IV plug. And just yesterday, I picked up a phone to answer a call and I told the SN to fetch the patient down and she got my message wrongly.

I need a therapist, someone who can help me boost my confidence. It's depleting daily.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Damn that bitch

Ok, being in an air con ward isn't any heavenly place. It's funded by educated people who are very fussy. Repeats like we have a lot of time. Today my luck stinks. God of luck must be balancing it because I just recieve a call from Alexandra Hospital last tuesday. Which made me really happy!! And tomorrow is the day.

Damn her man. Ok firstly, she came in to my cubicle and my staff nurse ask me to do admission. I said ok.. You see? I am such a helpful person, I love to help the staff alot. Then I got her linen from the linen trolley and brought her the admission form.

She went in to change and the staff nurse was informed to get a change of pants and a smaller top. I couldn't find any, there was only XL and XXL. When I got back, I told her there was only XL. And she gave me an ungreatful tone

"How am I suppose to wear this?" She snarled. The only problem I can see is that the sleeves were longer. I retorted in my mind, " Then why don't you fold up your sleeves. Then the other problem was the pants that had no string. I mean those people who wash the linen should have separated such trousers. Damn them, make me so suay.

The admission part was ok. I even gave her the accountablity to fill up the admission form herself.To think I am such a good nurse. After that, I took the parametres. I always put the thermometer together with the BP taking and nobody complains about it. Who is she to correct the way I do things. I know weighing with the thermometre on would be wrong. But she do not need to snap me.

Such people are so ungreatful. I am doing this out of voluntary, I can just jaboh and do nothing. Even the old malay lady can say thank you even though it was a very painful procedure. Old people have better courtesy than a 44yr old bitch.

So what if you have a daughter who is in anderson JC, I have 2 brothers in university! You have no match. I suddenly feel that this bitch has discrimination against us nurses. Having such a high status doesn't give her the right to scold me.

Ok, I didn't know that you won't going for an op but you could at least tell me you were going for a scan. Just reassure me, you expect me to be so informed about you. Almost anyone in a surgical ward goes for surgery, right?

Damn it, this make me so furious.She just want me to feel embarrass. Firstly, she use a third person to outline her complains and then, she points her finger at me by saying," she is standing right beside you"

She even tries to save her face by saying, "Don't scold her." Is this the way to complain? By indirectly hurting a person and then, directly pin pointing the offender. That is so childish. That is not what adults do, they don't use something less heart breaking.

She should have said it without saying who did it but as a group. This is what an adult should do. Then after that the staff will ask me in private, then I am sure to say, " I did it". As righteous person, I don't deny the fact.

Then the staff tell me off in private. I always feel that the nurses in my ward are so professional. They won't scold or put you in shame.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's been long

I realise how long I've not being blogging already. The reason being, I am busy with my attachment.

I love my surgical ward in Tan Tock Seng, the staff takes care of me very well. They never scolded me since day 1. I still remember the first day in my medical ward, I had a really bad scolding from the staff nurse the first time I attended to a patient's needs. That medical ward is so hectic that I have to run up and down like a headless chicken. That felt like 1 whole month although it was only 2 weeks.

After the first week in my surgical ward, I really don't want to leave it. The staff are so friendly and approachable, they even ask for your burning questions. Oh damn, I don't have a burning question. Think think think...

Ah yes a staff nurse named Katie is hip, man! If I ever be her patient, I would give her a normination award for professionalism. When she pass report, she really clear and concise about it. As a student nurse, she let me dispense medication. (-3 She is very understanding to us, students

Tomorrow morning, I shall brainstorm some questions to ask the staff. 2 days later, I will be signing something I always wanted to for a very long time. Some people are sure to be jealous. 2 more weeks before I shed my tears for these caring ward staff.

Some nurses are as stuck up as some doctors. Maybe they are too influenced by them that's why they react that way. They always scold the patients and we, student nurses. We always feel petrified and our confidence will diminish. That's what is a barrier to being competent in our training. Some nurses PMS too much till we can't stand it. They talk nonsense and refuse to answer call bells. GRrrrrr... I hate these people.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I am so shock!!!

I can't believe it! It's a bursary not a scholarship! Which means I've to use my $900 monthly allowance to pay a $2000 yearly School fee. Wait.. 900x12=$10800. So I have $8800 to myself and that's $733.333 monthly . Ok that's not so bad, I nearly shocked myself to death.

Argghh.. Why do I have a clinical facilator that keeps pestering me? She's making me all so stressed out. I thought I can relieve from the stress from school and now she sufficating me with work, work and more work. ZzzZZzzzz.

Tomorrow would be afternoon shift and I would have to work on my skills and a damned care plan. I loved my staff nurse, she is so understanding and she lets me do a dressing today and I thought I won't be able to do it for this week because I am so petrified about hurting people. Oh dear, I have a very long way to go.

Friday, April 15, 2005

My exams are over!!!!

That's not the end of my stress I am facing the entire begining of the year! I need a short get-away! I wanted to arrange a short holiday with my friend to release all the stress I build up the enire year.

I went to the doctor because I really had a really bad blocked ear. Then I saw the most horrific thing the was hidden in my ear for 3 years. A big black snowball aka the EAR WAX was stucked in my tiny ear canal. I can't imagine me doing that procedure to people, it's like so eeEEeee....

YUCKS! Gross and Eeewh. Hey listen, come closer to the screen and scroll down


Woohoo! But still they hadn't called me. *Sobs* I think they cheated me or something.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


This is to those people who are applying for scholarship and have no where to turn to for help!!!!! (especially for those who have nowhere to start on his essay)

I have the exact thing for all of you who are as desperate as me. Read this web page before you move on to reading my blog entry

Like what you are seeing? I am giving away this stuff for FREE!!! I am not lying, I am really giving it for free.
  1. Firstly, you have to email me stating you name, and what scholarship you are applying for.
  2. Give me a few reasons why should I give it to you free. That's all!

Here is my email:
And if you want to have a gmail account too, do the following steps:

  • Tell me why you like my blog ( no slandering)
  • Why should I give it to you!

And that is all you need to do to help yourself get what you want in life! Really, I am not lying.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I am starting a new online diary...

Confidential stuff.

*jittters* It's coming, the stress monster.

Help!!! The messenger boy told me the interview would take 15 mins and I bet it must be something really good or really bad. Ok... Cutiepie must not think elsewhere because she is getting the sponsorship she well deserved and worked hard for!!!! I waited a full 1 year to get back in the business. Oh shit, I wearing my mom's shoes today.

No time to chat! Got to prepare my answers.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

No happier...

After knowing I am going for an interview on monday, my life ain't getting any better. Firstly, I can't finish the revision I am suppose to finish today, what's more; I hadn't found any answers to the questions I am looking for when asked in the interview.

What's worse, my mentor so happens is on leave and she ain't gona help me out because she wants to get away from work, attend to the family. I secretly used someone's debit card no. and subscribe to something I Eventually found it useless!!!What am I going to do?

Today, didn't went well either, I bought a very nice clip to tie my hair. I spent 30 mins making it as neat as possible and my mom called it "SHIT". I was taken back. I mean why? I spend so much time and she called it shit? Later I found out she was using someone (obivious she tied the same way as me) who used to tortured her to judge me! How could she judge me, her own daughter, against someone she hate?

When that anger subsided, my cousin came by and wanted me to tutor them. I once dreamt that my auntie sacked me because I was too lazy to teach her son. Well, it's not that I am lazy is that her son has a serious case of ADHD(Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) ! I could go nuts teaching a child like that.

Never focuses, talks nonsense to himself, attack me without any rthyme or reason, show butt at people, blames people, ARRGggHHH! I can name you 100++ bad things a tutor will go nuts about. It also affects my conscience; imagine someone you teach for 1 and half years and he still makes the same mistake, you could go out having a paper bag covering your face.

It's enough to spoil my day. Then it the insects' mating season today, the badminton court was swarmed by flies trying to mate. My cousin was so afraid that we had to stand at the side of the court to play. 30 min into the game, a little girl bounce on my leg and fell on my back because I was trying to hit an extreme shuttercock shot.

"Shouldn't you be playing there?" The dad asked me directing me to the badminton court. Being shell shocked at the moment, I wasn't thinking because the kid was crying her heart out and it's because of me, the student nurse, who have been studying HS1028 the whole afternoon. I feel so demoralise.

Now i see why my hair turns more grey and silvery by the day... I really feel like Rebecca Bloomwood. So many dillemmas. I could die from it.

Talking about ADHD people, I have met an adult suffering from it too. He shows the exact sign and symptoms:

  1. Selective Inattention - Instead of maintaining a relatively even attention span, children with ADHD fluctuate between inattention and hyperfocusing - showing extended concentration on things like video games, TV, or something that is of particular interest to them.
  2. Distractibility - A child quickly jumps from one idea or activity to the next, often without completing the thought or task. The child may also 'daydream' when you are talking to him or her.
  3. Impulsivity - A child with ADHD often acts without thinking, says things repeatedly, or makes careless errors on schoolwork.
  4. Hyperactivity - Not everyone who has ADHD is hyperactive, but identifying this trait may make the diagnosis easier.

Ok lets use his example so that I can really diagnose him ADHD.

  • He can't focus during group meetings but he focus very well when talking about beautiful girls, money and girl stuff. (Selective inattention passed!)
  • Usually talks lots of nonsense with no start and conclusion. Almost everything about girls.
  • Instead of buying transparencies he bought tracing paper(Impulsivity passed!)
  • Like to talk alot, no rest...(hyperactivity passed)

Ok merely an ADHD, not very serious but my cousin's the worse everything applies to him!!!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am shortlisted for an interview!!!

Oh my god! *Runs around the house, tuging on my hair!* I dunno what to do! I dunno how to prepare myself, I need advice! Someone give me some advice! I have smsed my mentor for help, apparently she has not reply me yet, arghh... Looking for plan B. Books, e-books anything.

This is going to be another stressfull life event. I am now picturing myself reading this entry after the interview, laughing, maybe good maybe bad. I can forsee it! A very stressfull interview. And hey my beautiful blog is back. I am so happy at the same time stressfull! Exam's on mon, interview on mon. What am I going to do. I am glad I didn't clashed but still, they are in the same date. *Panic*

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I need something to spice up my life!

It's always so boring during the exam period. All I did is study, eat, sleep, study. No life. The pass 1 week I was looking forward for the next day, but still this feeling subsides slowly, day by day.

Hey, I am going to this workshop on grooming and it only caused $8 a person. Yeah, now that slightly cheer me up. I came across someone who Loves to study and does it like a pastime! Yes, she can spend hours studying without feeling worn out? She treats studying like computer games.Very addictive.

Amazing, I truely want to be this type of person. Then Life won't be dreadful for me. Too tired to continue....