Saturday, April 09, 2005

No happier...

After knowing I am going for an interview on monday, my life ain't getting any better. Firstly, I can't finish the revision I am suppose to finish today, what's more; I hadn't found any answers to the questions I am looking for when asked in the interview.

What's worse, my mentor so happens is on leave and she ain't gona help me out because she wants to get away from work, attend to the family. I secretly used someone's debit card no. and subscribe to something I Eventually found it useless!!!What am I going to do?

Today, didn't went well either, I bought a very nice clip to tie my hair. I spent 30 mins making it as neat as possible and my mom called it "SHIT". I was taken back. I mean why? I spend so much time and she called it shit? Later I found out she was using someone (obivious she tied the same way as me) who used to tortured her to judge me! How could she judge me, her own daughter, against someone she hate?

When that anger subsided, my cousin came by and wanted me to tutor them. I once dreamt that my auntie sacked me because I was too lazy to teach her son. Well, it's not that I am lazy is that her son has a serious case of ADHD(Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) ! I could go nuts teaching a child like that.

Never focuses, talks nonsense to himself, attack me without any rthyme or reason, show butt at people, blames people, ARRGggHHH! I can name you 100++ bad things a tutor will go nuts about. It also affects my conscience; imagine someone you teach for 1 and half years and he still makes the same mistake, you could go out having a paper bag covering your face.

It's enough to spoil my day. Then it the insects' mating season today, the badminton court was swarmed by flies trying to mate. My cousin was so afraid that we had to stand at the side of the court to play. 30 min into the game, a little girl bounce on my leg and fell on my back because I was trying to hit an extreme shuttercock shot.

"Shouldn't you be playing there?" The dad asked me directing me to the badminton court. Being shell shocked at the moment, I wasn't thinking because the kid was crying her heart out and it's because of me, the student nurse, who have been studying HS1028 the whole afternoon. I feel so demoralise.

Now i see why my hair turns more grey and silvery by the day... I really feel like Rebecca Bloomwood. So many dillemmas. I could die from it.

Talking about ADHD people, I have met an adult suffering from it too. He shows the exact sign and symptoms:

  1. Selective Inattention - Instead of maintaining a relatively even attention span, children with ADHD fluctuate between inattention and hyperfocusing - showing extended concentration on things like video games, TV, or something that is of particular interest to them.
  2. Distractibility - A child quickly jumps from one idea or activity to the next, often without completing the thought or task. The child may also 'daydream' when you are talking to him or her.
  3. Impulsivity - A child with ADHD often acts without thinking, says things repeatedly, or makes careless errors on schoolwork.
  4. Hyperactivity - Not everyone who has ADHD is hyperactive, but identifying this trait may make the diagnosis easier.

Ok lets use his example so that I can really diagnose him ADHD.

  • He can't focus during group meetings but he focus very well when talking about beautiful girls, money and girl stuff. (Selective inattention passed!)
  • Usually talks lots of nonsense with no start and conclusion. Almost everything about girls.
  • Instead of buying transparencies he bought tracing paper(Impulsivity passed!)
  • Like to talk alot, no rest...(hyperactivity passed)

Ok merely an ADHD, not very serious but my cousin's the worse everything applies to him!!!

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