Wednesday, April 13, 2005


This is to those people who are applying for scholarship and have no where to turn to for help!!!!! (especially for those who have nowhere to start on his essay)

I have the exact thing for all of you who are as desperate as me. Read this web page before you move on to reading my blog entry

Like what you are seeing? I am giving away this stuff for FREE!!! I am not lying, I am really giving it for free.
  1. Firstly, you have to email me stating you name, and what scholarship you are applying for.
  2. Give me a few reasons why should I give it to you free. That's all!

Here is my email:
And if you want to have a gmail account too, do the following steps:

  • Tell me why you like my blog ( no slandering)
  • Why should I give it to you!

And that is all you need to do to help yourself get what you want in life! Really, I am not lying.

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