Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I am so shock!!!

I can't believe it! It's a bursary not a scholarship! Which means I've to use my $900 monthly allowance to pay a $2000 yearly School fee. Wait.. 900x12=$10800. So I have $8800 to myself and that's $733.333 monthly . Ok that's not so bad, I nearly shocked myself to death.

Argghh.. Why do I have a clinical facilator that keeps pestering me? She's making me all so stressed out. I thought I can relieve from the stress from school and now she sufficating me with work, work and more work. ZzzZZzzzz.

Tomorrow would be afternoon shift and I would have to work on my skills and a damned care plan. I loved my staff nurse, she is so understanding and she lets me do a dressing today and I thought I won't be able to do it for this week because I am so petrified about hurting people. Oh dear, I have a very long way to go.

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