Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's been long

I realise how long I've not being blogging already. The reason being, I am busy with my attachment.

I love my surgical ward in Tan Tock Seng, the staff takes care of me very well. They never scolded me since day 1. I still remember the first day in my medical ward, I had a really bad scolding from the staff nurse the first time I attended to a patient's needs. That medical ward is so hectic that I have to run up and down like a headless chicken. That felt like 1 whole month although it was only 2 weeks.

After the first week in my surgical ward, I really don't want to leave it. The staff are so friendly and approachable, they even ask for your burning questions. Oh damn, I don't have a burning question. Think think think...

Ah yes a staff nurse named Katie is hip, man! If I ever be her patient, I would give her a normination award for professionalism. When she pass report, she really clear and concise about it. As a student nurse, she let me dispense medication. (-3 She is very understanding to us, students

Tomorrow morning, I shall brainstorm some questions to ask the staff. 2 days later, I will be signing something I always wanted to for a very long time. Some people are sure to be jealous. 2 more weeks before I shed my tears for these caring ward staff.

Some nurses are as stuck up as some doctors. Maybe they are too influenced by them that's why they react that way. They always scold the patients and we, student nurses. We always feel petrified and our confidence will diminish. That's what is a barrier to being competent in our training. Some nurses PMS too much till we can't stand it. They talk nonsense and refuse to answer call bells. GRrrrrr... I hate these people.

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