Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am shortlisted for an interview!!!

Oh my god! *Runs around the house, tuging on my hair!* I dunno what to do! I dunno how to prepare myself, I need advice! Someone give me some advice! I have smsed my mentor for help, apparently she has not reply me yet, arghh... Looking for plan B. Books, e-books anything.

This is going to be another stressfull life event. I am now picturing myself reading this entry after the interview, laughing, maybe good maybe bad. I can forsee it! A very stressfull interview. And hey my beautiful blog is back. I am so happy at the same time stressfull! Exam's on mon, interview on mon. What am I going to do. I am glad I didn't clashed but still, they are in the same date. *Panic*

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