Friday, April 15, 2005

My exams are over!!!!

That's not the end of my stress I am facing the entire begining of the year! I need a short get-away! I wanted to arrange a short holiday with my friend to release all the stress I build up the enire year.

I went to the doctor because I really had a really bad blocked ear. Then I saw the most horrific thing the was hidden in my ear for 3 years. A big black snowball aka the EAR WAX was stucked in my tiny ear canal. I can't imagine me doing that procedure to people, it's like so eeEEeee....

YUCKS! Gross and Eeewh. Hey listen, come closer to the screen and scroll down


Woohoo! But still they hadn't called me. *Sobs* I think they cheated me or something.

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