Friday, April 29, 2005

Sigh... Why do I bother?

Actually, I had a wonderfull day, not for these two things

  1. my uniform got stained with haemoserous discharges
  2. The lecturer practises favouritism again.

Number 1 was ok, I can accept it but not the other one. Ok, this lecturer is pathetic, he... is

  • not organised (in fact, he has a very serious case of frickled-minded syndrome)
  • frequently breaking promises
  • impatient
  • Does things according to mood
  • Judge people poorly
  • practises favouritism
  • most of all self-centred

I wonder how can a person like him becomes a male nurse. This goes down to one thing; Male nurses are

  1. egocentric
  2. unorganise
  3. Care less of other people's feelings

Yes! This stereotype proofs alot. He dares to judge my performance? well, I can judge his performance too. It's not up to standards, and I prefer him to balik kampong. For the past 24 hours I have being very moody about my dressing, simply because I hate him alot.

After today's cat nap, I finally got over it. Why bother getting good marks when I've already passed my dressing, got my sponsorship? I cannot moan over something I can't do anything about it. This lecturer just don't want me to pass, and that's fine with me. I get my job in the long run and I do my part as a staff nurse.

Sighzz... In 1 week time, I will be leaving a heavenly place that I wished to stay forever. Well, good things never last, and I have to accomodate my bonding which held together tightly for 2 weeks. *sobs* Life must go on.

God of Luck taught me a lesson, that not all staff nurses and sisters are stuck up , moody and exploiting. In contrast, lovable, funny, friendly and always willing to share their experiences.

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