Monday, April 25, 2005

Damn that bitch

Ok, being in an air con ward isn't any heavenly place. It's funded by educated people who are very fussy. Repeats like we have a lot of time. Today my luck stinks. God of luck must be balancing it because I just recieve a call from Alexandra Hospital last tuesday. Which made me really happy!! And tomorrow is the day.

Damn her man. Ok firstly, she came in to my cubicle and my staff nurse ask me to do admission. I said ok.. You see? I am such a helpful person, I love to help the staff alot. Then I got her linen from the linen trolley and brought her the admission form.

She went in to change and the staff nurse was informed to get a change of pants and a smaller top. I couldn't find any, there was only XL and XXL. When I got back, I told her there was only XL. And she gave me an ungreatful tone

"How am I suppose to wear this?" She snarled. The only problem I can see is that the sleeves were longer. I retorted in my mind, " Then why don't you fold up your sleeves. Then the other problem was the pants that had no string. I mean those people who wash the linen should have separated such trousers. Damn them, make me so suay.

The admission part was ok. I even gave her the accountablity to fill up the admission form herself.To think I am such a good nurse. After that, I took the parametres. I always put the thermometer together with the BP taking and nobody complains about it. Who is she to correct the way I do things. I know weighing with the thermometre on would be wrong. But she do not need to snap me.

Such people are so ungreatful. I am doing this out of voluntary, I can just jaboh and do nothing. Even the old malay lady can say thank you even though it was a very painful procedure. Old people have better courtesy than a 44yr old bitch.

So what if you have a daughter who is in anderson JC, I have 2 brothers in university! You have no match. I suddenly feel that this bitch has discrimination against us nurses. Having such a high status doesn't give her the right to scold me.

Ok, I didn't know that you won't going for an op but you could at least tell me you were going for a scan. Just reassure me, you expect me to be so informed about you. Almost anyone in a surgical ward goes for surgery, right?

Damn it, this make me so furious.She just want me to feel embarrass. Firstly, she use a third person to outline her complains and then, she points her finger at me by saying," she is standing right beside you"

She even tries to save her face by saying, "Don't scold her." Is this the way to complain? By indirectly hurting a person and then, directly pin pointing the offender. That is so childish. That is not what adults do, they don't use something less heart breaking.

She should have said it without saying who did it but as a group. This is what an adult should do. Then after that the staff will ask me in private, then I am sure to say, " I did it". As righteous person, I don't deny the fact.

Then the staff tell me off in private. I always feel that the nurses in my ward are so professional. They won't scold or put you in shame.

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