Sunday, August 07, 2005

Feeling really dreamy

I am really dream-oriented. This morning I dreamt I was yelling at the GL of motorola to let me join the band. NYP band rejects me and I feel really down. I want to join a band, something I am good at.

First, I went on the internet to find websites on wind organisations. I found a few but there is one bad thing about it, members who want to join the organisation have to audited and interviewed. There is a certain requirement:

  1. Sight-reading. I can do that!Errmm, Not really confident about it.
  2. 2 different pieces
  3. some other tedious requirements.

So I thought taking up a instrumental lesson, here are some of the sites I considered:

Hmm... It's really difficult to decide.

Here are a few auditions of well known orchestras in singapore:

That's all but I can find out about my comunity club from my mom.

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