Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy Birthday to me

On saturday I really had a very bad allergy attack. From morning to night, I was secreting mucus profusively. There I thought, why now? Just before my 18th birthday? I was forced to pop in antihistamine pills. I tried the non-side effects pills and it didn't work.

The only choice for me is the side effect one. I took it at 8 pm and I planned to make my birthday wish at 12am however, I started to feel drowsy at 11.30am. I feel as if I was floating in the air, stars started appearing before my eyes.

The following day (which was my birthday), I feel extremely moody. My other self kept shouting, it's your birthday! Why aren't you excited? The effects of the drug hasn't stopped and I feel as if sleep was the only way. What a terrible day I had yesterday.

Actually, it wasn't that bad. My brother brought a present that I wanted the first time I set my eyes upon it; "The art of Howl's Moving Castle". I couldn't contain my feelings the moment I saw the title written on a heavily coloured book. I loved everything about the movie even the bad guys.

After looking through the pictures, I nearly had that urge to watch the movie again (not to mention, I watched it twice on screen). You can never get enough watching such breath taking movies like "The Cats return" and "Spirited away" that's because the art really ROCKS the audience.

I really have to wrack my brains hard to buy a present to give back my brother that cost more than $60.

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