Friday, August 26, 2005

I want an MP3 player!

I am in a fix! I don't know what to buy; Zen, Ishuffle, muvo or something brandless that is cheap and has a 1 gb memory. I can't choose. When I take people's advise, I feel that they are sometimes very bias. Some of them are choosing something because they are willing to spend and some of them choose something that they think is of brand and not it's ability.

There are times that I want a good brand and there are times when I want a brand that doesn't burn a hole in my pocket. I feel frickled minded. I am afraid that I might regret after buying. Making a wise market decision is difficult when I really feel I have a lack of money.

I feel that I have loss the ability to spend money like water. That's because the money I am having now is not mine but the government's. My subconscious self just want to prevent me from spending unnecessarily. Argghh.. I am strangled and restrained.

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