Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I puck up some courage...

To sign up for music lessons today. I feel really good about myself. You know why? While I was planning to go plaza singapura, there was this guy at the locker that resembled bee alot and these words came into my mind, "Oh no. What is he doing here? Paint that smile on your face now!" My unconsiousness controlling me! I hate when I have to react like that even though that person wasn't bee. "I must forget him completely"My consious self shouted.

I was ten times more glad that person wasn't bee or else I won't be signing up the music course. Nobody really understand what kind of life I have been through. I have been hiding from people all my life and they expect me to vocal out my thoughts like anyone else. Talking is easy for them and not for me.

Take alot at this(if you can, click on it):

I became so happy when I recieve the membership card. Note the card glowing in yellow! Yup, I have always wanted that piece of plastic ever since I stepped into a Yamaha Store. But the discount is so puny! a mere 5% which is so pathetic.

However that piece of plastic really make my day. It's so prestigious like a raffles country club card. I suddenly feel I belong to somewhere that I thought I was living in denial for 2 years. I got to thank my good old friend jocelyn for introducing me to a world of music.

When I left the band, I thought I was free from a burden that I lay upon myself purposely from the start. To my suprise, it was actually my biggest mistake in life to do so. Band was the only place I ever feel belonged. People who don't look at appearance but the knowledge of music. I truely regretted wholeheartly.

I thought I shouldn't go back to my old life because it won't be the same. This thought wasn't a solution for me. The thought of being back to the group deepens. That's when I know I have to go back to music which I belong.

I grow up in an environment of music. My mom and dad knew each other by playing the er hu. My dad exposed me to the power of music by leting me play with his portalsound. From then, I grew interest for music. I could play notes from the score without knowledge of it. (don't I sound like a prodigy from a poor family).


Back to the picture, it's time for complains. Do you see that wiggly arrow with a bird siting on top of it? The receptionist ask me to buy that book from the Yamaha and I was shocked that this teacher (darted) didn't order that book before asking people to buy one. What the hack? What is this?

Mr lim XX sound really like a 30+ yr old guy. Part of his name had my irritating cousin's name and the other part had an irritating classmate's name too! I bet this teacher must be somehow irritating. Good gracious! I hope he ain't some sissy like that guy in woodlands. I think I am abit afraid of sissys.


I finished reading Harry Potter and the half blood prince and I think it stinks!!!! I mean it. The storyline irritates me. J.K. Rowling made both dumbledore and harry stupid idiots in this story. The dark side in this book had more glory. I somehow liked Draco Malfoy because of his brillance and he at least had some coinscience unlike snape who kills people like killing ants (but using an unforgivable curse; aveda kedavra)

Malfoy has got more emotions than any other characters. The trios are just doing the same old things like the last 5 books. I can't believe dumbledore has to die before reaching the last book. He is such a funny man.Can't he just stay around the picture frames like any other headmasters?

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