Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The best dream ever!

This morning, I have the best dream of my life(not quite sure though) the year. Guess wad?
  • top notch results? no.
  • father came back to life? no. I dream of him coming back to life every time.
  • Somebody I hate broke up? no. This dream ain't about my evil thoughts.
  • The clarinet teacher was cute and handsome? no. I wished!!!
  • You found a boyfriend? No. you're quite close. This dream never happen in my life!

Ok, I will stop beating around the bush. But I shall tell you now!

My idol, Wallace huo, 告白 to me!!! Arrgghhh.... It was so cool! I even go steady with him, hhahaahaha. I can't believe I've been yearning for such a thing all this while. Haizz, 幸好我有做白日梦的空间。

This stupid world is so fast-pace, in my life, no guy likes me. That doesn't matter cause I don't like guys too! Childish and frickled minded.

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