Monday, May 23, 2005


Just had a nightmare. A really bad nightmare. I dreamt that my brother did a mistake in politics and he was going to die argghhh.... I can't accept it! It was too real. I ask him what happens and he still gives me wise reason, "I wasn't listening in class. I thought wara..(some topic) was too boring."

Damn him, how could he do this to me? All because he didn't listen to class and he is going to die? My precious sibling dying? The punishment is stupid. They skin people alive, sounded really like some 13th century type of punishment.

I saw how it was done, it's really awfull to see. The people had to take a break. So I was at home enjoying my last days with my brother. Supprisingly, my dad was back. Well, his body had returned but not his temper. He became very bad-tempered when I told him about spending time together.

I begin to see the things that belong to my brother with the thought floating in my head, "After today, he won't be seeing his precious computer which he build it up by himself. " Pearls of sorrow rolled down my crimson cheeks. By then I realised how stupid am I to curse him about death.

There he was lying down on his bed. I hugged him tight! I suddenly found out he was shinking. I almost yelled in dispair. Why are you getting so short all of a sudden? There were exudates coming out of his wounds. I feel terribly horrified.

The day has come and everyone was there. The place wasn't anything 13th century, but more like 22 century, It looks exactly like the senes in the music video, universe by BLUR. The walls were painted white and the lighting was very bright. Seats were arranged neatly into rows of threes. I sat at the very front, behind me was my grandmother. My cousins and my brothers did a karaoke session which was quite funny. (which I know is out of nowhere)

When I screamed loudly in my brains that all his possessions are no long his, I woke up at a start, gladly realising it was only a nightmare. Phew!

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