Thursday, May 26, 2005

Back again...

I took so long to update this blog solely because I am too tired and lazy to log on to Blogger to do everything. It's my 3rd day in the same old medical ward and I am starting to look forward to the day whereby I get back to my holiday mood. Counting down the days I am going to work, I have 11 days to bear.

That's not so bad come to think of it. I already feel unhappy by the 3rd day, what about my last day. We shall see. I really want to know what have I beame after this attachment.

I bet I will have
  1. A black and long face like the staff in this ward
  2. pain when I smile
  3. Little or no pride in my work
  4. hatred when serving people
  5. that sense of drag everytime I go to work

Do you want to know why I say this? This is the type of environment I am working in where the staff can't force a smile on their faces and the tone they use on students sound as if I owe them a living. Hey, don't you forget I am doing free labour here!!! I came here to help you out but not help you use me to relieve your anger.

Is that how a senior treat juniors?

First of all, they can't use a more service like tone on us. Communication here is really hostile. 9 out of 10 times, they can stop losing their temper. Is your patience so limited? Then I suggest you don't take up this job. As a staff nurse, your job discriptions includes teaching young nurses.

The other day I heard the sister requesting the staff to smile abit while serving clients. The staff argued that if she smiles, it would be very fake. It doesn't matter whether if it's a genuine or a fake smile, what matters is that a smile brightens up a persons day. As humans, we have the advantage to express messages through facial expressions. A smile is a symbolic interaction that I find very rewarding when you see the opposite party doing the same.

Why not take this advantage in good use rather than pulling such a long face like what animals do?

Damn! I do missed my previous ward staff, I am always longing to see them again. Even the most stuck up nurse crack jokes and smile. Why can't the people in my current ward do the same?

I missed Cathy!!! *sobs painfully* Eventhough she has a bad day (on call doctors were not available) she still put them aside and does her things the same way. I really look up to such people.

What I find different about my current ward is the way they pass report. They speak really un willingly and mumbles most of the time. Sometimes they won't even give a damn on presenting a new case. I truely hate it! Cathy rocks!! She speak clearly and presents every case very well. My god, I love the way she does her work.

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