Thursday, May 12, 2005

Finishing a touching love story

Just left one more hour and the show is over.... :( Whatever happens, I hope I don't get too obsessed with it. Let me show you what my VCD cover looked like:

It really looked like that! You've to trust me. Actually, this is not how my cover looked like. It's my ideal ending for them. hehe... Wonders of photoshop. Has my skills improved?

As a human, I feel lucky to have an imaginative mind. A mind that can make wonders without making it a reality. I've always thought that handsome guys are flirts in nature. I can never achieve guys like that in my life because good, caring and stable handsome guys has extinct in my society.

But with an imaginative mind, I can have the chance to dream as much as I want without hurting anybody or even myself. Because in reality, good things have consequences. There is never a perfect world shaped for you only.

Sigh... Why is real life so hard? However, hard life is challenging and it makes us want to do something to make it easier. Or else, we will be lying around all day doing nothing (just like what I am doing now...)

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