Monday, May 30, 2005

Count down to last day: 9 days

Argghh.. I can't continue anymore in this hectic, stressful environment. Ok that doesn't sound like me. I am a strong girl who can take any obstacle. The will to be strong is fading by the day. I used to have a 100% confidence and now 20%. It's the first time I am counting down the days left. I feel really useless.

I found someone who still recognise me. What is saddening is the way she treats me. It's the same way the other staff treats me. It doesn't really make any difference. I just need a glass of wang qin shui to forget everything. Everything won't be as painful as what I am feeling now.

How would you feel when you recognise someone and that someone totally don't even have a single trace of you in their memory?

When sometimes you really want to forget something and it keeps coming back. On the contrary, sometimes you really want to remember the incident forever because it's too good to be true, it just fades away unknowingly.

If only the human brain was so easy to control, life won't be so difficult for all of us. Complexity keeps us humans from finding out more about the AnP. Which makes our nursing textbooks so thick.

Too tired to carry on..

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