Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Oh my god! I am obsessed

Since there is a 2 weeks break for me to enjoy I might as well buy some VCD to occupy my time. Last week, I missed 2 episodes of "At the Dolphin Bay" and 1 of it was in its climax (had to work afternoon shift). I bought the box on saturday and at first I regretted buying it solely because I can watch it on tv and I had watched parts of it already. But still, I didn't know what was happening and why they are acting this/that way.

So it was a good buy, I do need it. Ok, I trying to save cost the best I can. Fearing that one day, I would be an impulsive shopaholic. I loved "At The Dolphin Bay" better than other dramas I've watched my entire life. Here are the reasons:

  1. The plot is very original. Never hovers around 2 main characters, but at least 4 characters are involved in some kind of relationship too complexed to be explain.
  2. The actors are totally gorgeous!! (Isn't that what we see when we buy dramas)
  3. I nearly fell in love with the fictitious charactor, xiaogang
  4. Music is great but kept repeating
  5. Can't stop praising the script writer, as a viewer, we see how each character cheats into their way.

My biggest problem now is that I am obsessed with the show. It's such a perfect work of art, from my point of view. I must get to know who wrote the script. *shows a thumbs up*. I need to get my mind off it. Or else I can't concentrate on my things.

With the cross stitch design done in a mess, I can point to me being too obsessed.

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