Friday, May 06, 2005

Can anybody bear to leave a heavenly place?

The feeling came back to me once again ever since my dad died. A wave with a thousand words. The look on Kathy's face made me want to bawl loudly on someone's shoulders. In three weeks, I am able to develop a relationship with someone. When I am forced to part from joy and laughter, I can't stop freeing greatful.

In this ward (which was different from the previous) I was able to:
  1. Fold my arms freely (I loved to fold my arms, it's my habit, my mannerism)
  2. Ask questions without being snapped
  3. Slack around with my conscience
  4. surf the internet
  5. chat with the Staff nurses
  6. sit on the chair

in contrast,

  1. I had a lecturers who remaked me poorly
  2. I had lousy facilitators
  3. I have many demanding patients
  4. I had a lousy score

When something is good, there is always the other side of bad.

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