Friday, May 13, 2005


The last hour of "At the dolphin bay" was really sudden and unnatural. It reminds me of the way I write my essay. To think the way my teacher commented on my plot, I can really compare it to the way the script writer finishes the ending.

I have already figured out this before I started watching the last hour, I thought that within an hour a story cannot finishes without matching with the beginning and at the same time, have a natural feeling. Hahaha, I still remember very clearly 2 years ago, while I was a secondary 4 student.

I used to write essays that have a very sudden ending, both unsatisfying and wierd. That's why I never excel in essay writing. That's so sad.

Let me explain why I put it this way. Ok, lets start with the relationship with tian bian and xiao gang. They started out pretty well. How can anyone resist a person who is caring, handsome and most importantly who has a crush on you?

Even you have already a crush, but still the way that person treats you, it can really wipe off the love off someone. I think tian bian is a very ungrateful person. Although I never being in a relationship, but I felt being rejected is liked.

Then she doesn't even give him a chance. Then, xiao gang was back to man qing after tian bian told him to look behind him before he does anything. Doesn't Xiao Gang used to love tian bian? How can his feelings change so fast? See this is what I mean when endings are sudden and unnatural.

Next, Ze ya and Tian Bian. Ok, I know they were destined to be as lovers because she confessed to him her love at the dolphin bay. But still it feels really weird. Didn't she hate him because he cheated her about his status and made her break her heart by doing all those ekky stuff in front of her?

Having meet up coincidentally at Saint Theresa, Ze ya and Tian Bian are together. That type of ending really sucks. I can now understand how my teacher feels when she reads my ending. I would be very pissed off.

However, the body was fantastic! Not even korean dramas can match up to such a lively love polygon. I sometime feel grateful for having an ad-less drama without feeling fustrated.

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