Saturday, June 04, 2005

Being human is about taking risks

Do you agree? No? Let me my point clear to you. When we take on any role in life, we have a certain amount of responsibility. This word "responsibility" is a word that clings on to anybody from the moment you open your eyes and a sound mind sets in.

Sad to say, being human isn't easy because we have this word clinging on to us all the time. Whatever we do, we are liable to consequences whether good or bad. Just take for example, a very fundamental activity in life; crossing the road. Have you ever thought that crossing a road would put you at risk, at a risk of having serious injuries that will make you end up in your coffin?

Yes, crossing a road is a risk. Going for a swim in a very deep pool is another risk but many do not realise that anything bad will happen. Even a puddle of water can cause you a bad fall. I mean you can't make you fully safe all the time because at any moment you are 1 step closer to something you do not anticipate.

Age doesn't contradict my point. You say babies have no responsibilities but they do. They have to cry out loud to get your attention and feed him before he dies of starvation. They are at risk of fall and starvation. We can't prevent it because humans make mistakes.

Ok, are you convinced? With a reason like this, I find that the recent fall incident is the act of letting her disease show me that I had made a mistake in not taking up the right clinical dicisions.

Afternoon shift rocks, the staff nurse feel great in that shift but not in the morning. Probably all of them get moody in the morning. Oh sian, I suddenly feel sleepy. Got to go to bed.

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