Monday, June 27, 2005

My three weeks of holiday's ending...

yup.. I am now left with 6 days to enjoy myself before I go back to endless work. Damn! I really wished to buy the VCD, 100% Senorita Twins. It has got 2 of my idols working inside, penny Lin and Wallace Huo. The problem now is that I have no money!!!!

This holiday made me enounter so many regrets. Firstly is lending money to my friend Alvin. How can my foresight be such a failure? I predicted that he would return my money by 2 weeks and now it's like (looking at the computer calender) 7 weeks already!!!

Secondly, it's not going for the invitation from the student office. That is really a very big regret for me. Although I knew that going for the year 1 orientation can solve everything, it was in vain. I knew I should had stayed at home and wait for the call. SIGHZZZ..

3 days ago, I chat with a guy I had never seen that shy before. He was making me really mentally drained! I asked him questions and he just gave me that one word answer. Can't he just elaborate somemore. I wonder how he passed his 'O' Levels English Oral. Sighzz, sometimes I really wonder whether he is really the one wanting to know me or is it dee trying to make me match up with him.

Then I asked dee whether in real life is he that shy and guess what was her answer.
"U nv tok to him, he wun tok 2 u 1"

I rephase that in a more understandable way.
"Which means I poke him, he just response. However, he won't poke me back"

Yupz. That's what she meant. And yes! That guy I talked to was behaving that way. I really don't like this type of guys. I prefer those who shows interest, not those who lie around and wait for people to feed them.

I am still deciding whether to buy that VCD. With only 6 days left to enjoy, I will do anything to make use of that time I have left.

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