Monday, June 20, 2005

Has god of luck sent me someone helpful?

God of Luck sent me someone who is my goddess of Romance. I feel so touched, GOL actually listens to my disires, my hopes and dreams. How can anyone stay 24 hours watching over me 袖手旁观? He's got to do something about all this loss and torture I've being experiencing for 2 years.

One question started popping out of my head; Will this loss ever end even if I have got a guy holding my hand?

I used to think that after getting the sponsorship, I will be able to be free from the feeling of loss. Sadly to say, I hadn't. The greatest 愿望 I ever want to achieve won't be happiness but to be able to relief from that sense of loss!

It's pretty difficult you know even after 2 years. I still dream about my family. It will always include my dad in it, no matter how. In such dreams, I treat my dad as alive and kicking. He was still there to share my sorrows and laughter.

In my consious state of mind, I accept his death. However, I am still in denial in my unconsious state of mind. Haizz... Where do I go to for comfort and some consolation? Probably writing a blog can help me alot.

Hey, I have a very good score for that EQ test I took yesterday. So, you can start saying that I am a strong person emotionally.

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