Thursday, June 09, 2005

Just 1 more day, 1 more day.

Geezz... My diary isn't signed and I have to hand it over to the tyrant. Ok, I am going to faint. I am so fustrated today. Everyone is ordering me around today. I feel really used that's why I have to do this last "dedication" before I leave this hell of fire. It's a really special thanks to the hotest topic of the week: ZCL registed on 15 july 2003, just when the SARS outbreak almost subsided and 7 days after my dad died. Damn...

The awakening of a devil from hell.

Today sucked to the core.
  1. ZCL on my team, omfg she came late. 7.10am...
  2. early in the morning, the son of a patient, XY, describe my way of doing things crazy.
  3. Sister threw her temper on me all because of the claim form
  4. ZCL continues to rant on me
  5. my collugue orders me around

The whole morning was horrendous.

What made me happy was XY. While ZCL was changing her, she screamed and yelled loudly. The first ever patient that I met was so dramatic. When I went in, she said this really touching thing, "She is much nicer." in mandarin.

This event turned everything from down to up.

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