Sunday, June 12, 2005

No... I missed the club crawl!!!

My evil friend just never told me about the club crawl! Damn her... Can't she just tell me it's on thursday and friday???

Ok.. Don't panic. Think, think... What do I want to join? Band? I am so confused. Someone please enlighten me. To join or not to join? What stops me from joining is the band would be I feel that my skills really sucked. However, a person like how cheh can join the harmonica group without freting.

Sigh, ah yes! I still have chance. I can just send an SMS to the person and say I wanna join the Band and that's it.


I had a really great dream today. I dreamt I held my Idol's hand and I knew I shouldn't do that because I am just a fan. Oh that feeling is so great.

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