Friday, October 29, 2004

Ahh...chewww....snif snif

* this may be a flu like symptom but it's not.

Call me superstitious. Call me weird and rediculous. The recent sneezes i had isn't as simple as what you think. It is the people talking behind my back. They are only talking but they are talking something bad, something embarrassing about me.
Warning: if you dun like reading this, you have the very most RIGHT to click the back button.

I hate my secondary school. It's a damn and cursed place i tell ya. i would rather die than go back to this darned place. It is not only the building, it is the people that made a bad remark out of it. 70% of the hatred go to my lower secondary life.

You still here? you dun like what i am typing? Click the back button before you regret

you wanna know why? It is the prejudiced discriminatory behaviour students put on to me. They have this self-fulfilling stereotype mindset in their bloody heads. Would you ever want people to have such behaviour against you? No? Think again, i was suffering in silence for 2 long years. When people see embarrassment as a joke. When people see you they think of been unclensed and dirty. What is worse, the principal only wants success and she doesn't understand any student's feelings. Doesn't this sounded crazy? A principal that is so robotic. They say school is fun, i say school is horror.

you know what? that day after the results, i not only threw the uniform out of the window but step it, no i did a stanpede and made it like a piece of rotten rag. I shouted out loud, " Good bye lousy school!!!"

I never went back to that swamp ever since.

So.. you are still here to read my fury.

This is to those who have been talking behind my back:
I know you've got this mindset stuck on your episodic memory, however please accept my token of sacarsm to all of you: Go and kiss your friend's ass

those of you who have felt that what i said had made a mark on your heart, i've already recommended you to stop reading earlier. These three words are for you:

you deserve it!

Ok that felt good. Some of you may doubt whatever I am publishing in my blog is false. here's a disclaimer for all of ya.

Disclaimer: the content above is total based on experience and none of them were from made up stories. In any event, my entry will not be liable to any damage whitch also include spiritual and emotion damage.

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